About us

About us


Sunstar Metals Established in 2011 has since been a significant and diligent participant in the CI casting industry, producing superior quality castings for many an industry. we have developed best of its kind facilities for every individual process. All together with years of experience in foundry we can assure our customers that products will be right from first time, every time.

There is no stopping in that which becomes incessant as we rise high every day in becoming the leader in the world.

Sunstar Metals has shown an astounding growth rate growing to about 100 times to its original size to reach its current capacity of 330 MT. Today, Sunstar Metals is one of largest suppliers of the finest castings and machined components casting ranging from 250 gms to 200 Kg in weight.

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Raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather.